"Embrace the Divine, Empower Humanity: Uniting Hearts through God's Love and Charitable Acts"

Legal Status: Registered Under Govt (Faisalabad Pakistan) Registration Number RJSC\FSD\1727

Nurturing Faith

Sunday School Project

Changing Lives

Providing education & Spiritual guidance

“Sunday School for Poor Children” is a sacred initiative dedicated to providing a nurturing haven of education and spiritual guidance for underprivileged children every Sunday. It stands as a sanctuary where young souls can delve into the teachings of the Bible and blossom in their faith, while also receiving vital support and guidance in various aspects of their lives. Specially tailored to cater to the needs of disadvantaged children, this program ardently endeavors to cultivate a safe and nurturing environment, fostering their growth and development.

At the heart of this noble endeavor are devoted volunteers driven by an unwavering passion to uplift children in need. Embracing the profound belief that every child deserves access to a quality education and the chance to lay a robust foundation for their future, these selfless volunteers pour their hearts into this endeavor. Alongside the biblical teachings, the program may extend additional educational resources and activities, encompassing tutoring and homework assistance, to bolster the holistic development of these cherished children. It is through these united efforts that “Sunday School for Poor Children” seeks to empower these young souls, equipping them with the tools and support they need to flourish spiritually and academically, thereby illuminating the path towards a brighter future for all.

In the spirit of our shared faith, this program shines as a beacon of hope, embracing children from all walks of life and guiding them towards the light of knowledge and spiritual awakening. Inspired by the teachings of compassion and love exemplified by Jesus Christ, “Sunday School for Poor Children” stands as a testament to the transformative power of education and the infinite potential within each child. Together, with unwavering dedication, we journey on this divine path, igniting the spark of hope and possibility in the hearts of these precious young souls, as they embrace the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.