"Embrace the Divine, Empower Humanity: Uniting Hearts through God's Love and Charitable Acts"

Legal Status: Registered Under Govt (Faisalabad Pakistan) Registration Number RJSC\FSD\1727

Monthly food, ration and cloths distrubtions

Orphans & Widows Support

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Changing Lives

For I was Hungry & you gave me food

At Harvest Hands Ministries, we hold a sacred and unwavering commitment to supporting and uplifting orphans and widows facing adversity. Fueled by deep compassion, our mission revolves around providing essential assistance and support services to those in need, offering them a glimmer of hope in challenging times.

Central to our efforts is the distribution of ration and nourishment on a regular basis. Through strategic partnerships with local food banks and like-minded organizations, we earnestly secure donations of non-perishable items, which we lovingly extend to orphans and widows, ensuring their access to sustenance throughout the month. This benevolent endeavor alleviates their financial burdens and allows them to focus on rebuilding their lives with renewed strength and resilience.

Beyond the vital sustenance, we offer a comprehensive range of support services, catering to the diverse needs of orphans and widows. Financial assistance, housing support, and various forms of compassionate aid pave the way for their empowerment and long-term stability. Driven by our shared faith and the teachings of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we fervently believe in extending a compassionate safety net, guiding these dear souls towards a brighter and more promising future.

At Harvest Hands Ministries, our hearts are deeply touched by the struggles faced by orphans and widows. With boundless love and unwavering dedication, we stand by their side, determined to be a beacon of hope, compassion, and strength, as we navigate life’s challenges together in the pursuit of a better tomorrow.