"Embrace the Divine, Empower Humanity: Uniting Hearts through God's Love and Charitable Acts"

Legal Status: Registered Under Govt (Faisalabad Pakistan) Registration Number RJSC\FSD\1727

Sharing Jesus

Jesus Film Ministry

Word of God

Sharing The Love of Jesus with all

At our esteemed organization, we harbor an unwavering passion for sharing the profound love of Jesus, utilizing the powerful medium of film as a transformative tool for spreading the gospel’s message of hope and salvation. We firmly believe in the profound impact of visual arts in reaching the hearts of those who may yet be unacquainted with the boundless love of Jesus.

Guided by our sacred mission, we host movie showings as a means to bring the gospel to individuals who may not have encountered it otherwise. In collaboration with local churches and organizations, we diligently identify areas where evangelism is needed, orchestrating screenings of spiritually enriching films centered on Jesus. Furthermore, we form vital partnerships with dedicated local volunteers and evangelists, who lend their unwavering support during these gatherings, engaging attendees in heartfelt discussions about the film’s message and the divine love of Jesus.

Our dedication lies in utilizing the compelling power of film to disseminate the gospel to as vast an audience as possible. In doing so, we ardently strive to make a transformative difference in the world, guiding souls toward a profound and saving knowledge of Jesus. Through these sacred movie showings, we endeavor to inspire hearts, touch lives, and usher in a profound spiritual awakening among those we are privileged to serve.