"Embrace the Divine, Empower Humanity: Uniting Hearts through God's Love and Charitable Acts"

Legal Status: Registered Under Govt (Faisalabad Pakistan) Registration Number RJSC\FSD\1727

Celebrating the Joy of Christmas

Christmas celebrations

Joy to the World

Joy to the world The Lord Has Come

Every year, our community comes together to celebrate the joy and happiness of Christmas through our annual Christmas program. This program is designed to share the Christmas spirit with those who are in need and to bring a little bit of joy and cheer to their holiday season.

The program begins with a festive procession through the streets, led by our community leaders and featuring a variety of performers such as dancers, musicians, and costumed characters. As we make our way to the event venue, we are joined by local residents and passersby who are drawn in by the festive atmosphere.

Upon arriving at the venue, we set up a series of tables and booths where we distribute free ration and gifts to poor and needy families. These gifts include warm clothing, toys, and other items that are designed to bring a little bit of joy and comfort to those who are struggling during the holiday season. We also have a number of volunteers on hand to assist with the distribution and to provide support and assistance to anyone who may need it.

In addition to the gift distribution, we also have a number of performances and activities throughout the day. These include dance performances, quiz shows, and other interactive events that are designed to engage and entertain attendees. We also have a number of food and beverage vendors on site, offering a variety of festive treats and drinks to help everyone get into the holiday spirit.

As the day comes to a close, we gather together for a grand finale performance, featuring a variety of musical and dance acts. This is followed by a communal feast, where everyone is invited to come together and enjoy a delicious meal, provided free of charge.

Overall, our annual Christmas program is a joyous and festive occasion that brings people together from all walks of life to celebrate the holiday season and share in the joy and happiness that it brings. It is an opportunity for us to give back to our community and help those who are in need, and we are always deeply grateful for the support and assistance of our volunteers, donors, and sponsors who make it all possible.