"Embrace the Divine, Empower Humanity: Uniting Hearts through God's Love and Charitable Acts"

Legal Status: Registered Under Govt (Faisalabad Pakistan) Registration Number RJSC\FSD\1727

working for the rights of Christian enslaved families



Breaking The Chains of Slavery

Brick kiln slavery, a deeply troubling issue plaguing humanity, inflicts untold suffering on numerous individuals worldwide. This form of modern enslavement compels vulnerable individuals, often from marginalized communities, to endure harsh and exploitative conditions in brick kilns, with scant or no remuneration. Stranded in a cycle of generational bondage, they are unable to escape due to oppressive debts passed down through their families.

Driven by a profound sense of responsibility, we have undertaken a sacred mission to extend aid and protect the rights of these oppressed souls. Our endeavors encompass the provision of basic necessities, including clothing, sustenance, and ration, striving to uplift their living standards amid the harsh realities they face. Simultaneously, we place immense importance on educating their children, empowering them with knowledge and the opportunity to break free from the chains of slavery that have plagued their families for too long.

Additionally, our unwavering commitment extends to rescuing individuals ensnared in this oppressive system. Through compassionate efforts, we endeavor to relieve them from the burdensome debts that entrap them, offering a ray of hope and a pathway to freedom. Firmly anchored in the belief that every human being deserves a life free from the bonds of slavery, we dedicate ourselves wholeheartedly to alleviating the plight of those suffering and advocate tirelessly for their dignity and liberation.

In this virtuous endeavor, we seek the divine guidance and blessings, uniting in the spirit of compassion and solidarity. Together, let us work towards breaking the chains of brick kiln slavery and creating a brighter future where justice and dignity prevail for all.